I am Bomi Shim (심보미), a passionate UX designer with engineering background. I grew up in Bucheon, a well-planned smart city with technology, and I observed how technology affects human society. It always captures my mind. So, in bachelor, I studied electrical & computer engineering at University of Seoul and developed an IoT sensor in the Dr. Amar Basu's lab at Wayne State University. At company, CJ HelloVision, I designed three mobile applications and one TV interfaces.
My interesting field is UX of IoT and multi devices. I believe they will elevate people's quality of life, even though they are far from their own digital device. Ultimately, They will be a shield for preventing dystopia. One day, I will make my physical space with full of IT sensors which stimulate the five senses of human nature. In the space, people can be harmonized with digital. To afford that, I am struggling to save money.
During my spare time, I read books and watch movies, especially classical books and movies. My favorite author is Haruki Murakami(村上春樹) and whenever I confront with sudden loneliness, the feeling like I am the only human being on earth, I read 'Norwegian Wood'. Yes, I am a Harukist.
I LOVE retro movies. I made a retro movie club and held a monthly retro movie day. I highly enjoy sharing opinion regarding old movies. If you are a retro-movie goer, feel free to contact me!
Programming: C/C++, JAVA, Python, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery
P.S, Bomi means Spring in Korea. You can call me Spring too!